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MONSTER DESIGN - This was the bottom line of monsters...
MONSTER INTERACTION - This was a confused romance trapped in the thin walled medium of monster movie.
MONSTER ORIGINALITY - it's a squatch...
MONSTER FEAR FACTOR - More afraid of the next kiss scene...
PRACTICAL EFFECTS - maybe a knife through a hand but below par.
CGI/ANIMATION - Some distant out of focus creations.
FX MAKEUP - Real off color.
STORY - Is it bad that a 4 is the highest marker here?
CHARACTERS - Very shallow.
DIALOGUE - Pushed and poorly executed.
I really did not enjoy this. About 8 times as much making out as monster moments. The acting felt pushed and performative (in a not so good way) and the entire film is far too dark. Perhaps they were trying to hide the poor film through the filters. The make-up was almost comical and when we finally got one moment of masked yeti, it truly turned laughable. What this movie lacked in execution, it gained in a few good laughs.
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