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MONSTER DESIGN - Loose but that's what makes it impactful.
MONSTER INTERACTION - Is the monster ever not present? Truly, I'm asking because I don't know!
MONSTER ORIGINALITY - I love not knowing what the monster actually is (Demon???).
PRACTICAL EFFECTS - Light mouth...
CGI/ANIMATION - No major things to speak of but it certainly didn't need it.
FX MAKEUP - Some delightful blood work.
STORY - Docking major points (mainly because I could have used a simpler storyline...)
CHARACTERS - So many twists to chew on.
DIALOGUE - Minimal and beautifully complex.
This one is so hard for me to grade. It is a creature feature. AND the story feels immensely complex and hard to follow. If I could understand a bit more, this movie would have rated MUCH higher. This film is beautiful in many ways. Light contrast, soundscape, shot composition, this film was a delight of the senses. The acting was equally powerful. I just don't want to work that hard when I watch a movie.
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