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Zachary T. Scott
6 Minutes
A town is terrorized by killer clamps. It's up to the chief of police, a scientist and the girl next door to stop this nightmare.
Zachary T. Scott is an award winning writer, director and actor currently living in Austin, Texas. He found a love for both acting and filmmaking at the age of 14 in his hometown of the Bay Area, Northern California. Upon graduating film school in Sedona, Arizona, Scott landed himself in Austin, Texas, where he now continues to receive both local and international recognition for his award winning films. Some of his work has been featured on, Top Billboards, The Austin Chronicle as well as The AV Club. He is excited to share his work with the world!
When the idea of clamps was born I was actually on set acting in a short film with my co-star and good friend Jill Bailly. During some down time we noticed that one of the “grip clips” or clamps had a warning about wearing safety googles and other protective gear while using. The rest of the shoot we started coming up with scenarios where people could get injured by clamps. The idea kinda took off from there. Jill and I co-wrote and directed the film, having a blast with creating an 80’s B-horror vibe. Jill plays the scientist and I play the Chief of police. We shot it with our friends over two days for noooooo money. Like 300 bucks which was mostly to feed everyone. My friend Simon did a killer job with the score and my partner in crime Taylor Camarot shot like it was 1984! Hopefully people will find it as ridiculous and entertaining as we do!
Co-Writer/Director/Producer/Editor - Zachary T. Scott
Co-Writer/Director - Jill Bailly
Producer - Thomas Burke
Director of Photography - Taylor Camarot
Anna Clare Hicks - "Bonnie"
Sam Stinson - "Chad"
Zachary T. Scott - "Chief Foster"
Jill Bailey - "Dr. Lady"
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